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Film & Media Alumni Fest


with producer Alix Madigan '84
November 16, 2019

This event occurred as part of the 19/20 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.

On the day 11-year-old Wissam finally summons the courage to tell his Beirut schoolmate that he loves her, the Israeli airstrike on Lebanon begins.

19/20 Hop Film

Set in a school tucked safely in the mountains of Lebanon, 1982 is the poignant tale of 11-year-old boy Wissam who is determined to tell his classmate Joanna that he loves her. Before he can do so, Israeli missiles strike Beirut and shatter the school's calm. His teachers—on different sides of the political divide—try to keep their charges calm while grappling with their own fears.

After earning an Oscar nod for directing Capernaum last year, Lebanese actress-turned-filmmaker Nadine Labaki stars as Yasmine, Wissam's teacher. The "witness of his innocent love and determination," she is contending with her own share of problems that the war has brought on her family and on her relationship with fellow teacher Malek (Rodrigue Sleiman). 

Told with great sensitivity and a beautifully light touch, director Oualid Mouaness took great pains to recapture the world as he saw it himself as a child. Along with the anxieties of living under constant siege in the Middle East, 1982 is also a celebration of human resiliency and connection—and the official Lebanese entry for the 2019 Academy Awards. D: Oualid Mouaness, Leb/US, subtitled, 2019

In the News


Review: 1982

Cineuropa, Sept. 11, 2019: A review of "1982" that calls it "a hymn to the innocence of childhood, defending the unexpected manner in which the latter manifests itself during one of the most...

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Dartmouth 250 Film & Media Alumni Fest

Our guests included independent film producer Alix Madigan '84 , Netflix production executive Michelle Brattson Majors '96 , music supervisor Barry Cole '93 , game designer Prof. Owen Gottlieb '95 ,...

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Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.

Visiting Information

Black Family Visual Arts Center
22 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH

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