Hopkins Center Board Members attending a meeting in the Moore Theater at the Hopkins Center

Hopkins Center Board

The members of Hopkins Center Board of Advisors serve in an advisory role to the Director of the Hopkins Center and to the Provost, the President and the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College.

The Hopkins Center Board reviews and advises on the policies, programs and resources of the Hopkins Center. The Board and its members serve as key supporters of and ambassadors for the Hop.

Current Members:

• Jim Bildner '75 P'08
• Anne Fleischli Blackburn '91 P'23
• Ken Burns H'93
• Rebecca Byrne P'20 P'22
• Leslie T. Chao '78 P'20 P'24
• Stanley Chou '93
• John A. Cortese '02
• Kim Lessow Crockett '92
• Heather Deering Crosby '93
• Rachel Dratch '88
• Claire Foerster P'18 P'21
• Lizanne Fontaine '77 P'04 P'09
• Pamela A. Codispoti Habner '88
• Jennifer López '08
• Kristin G. Replogle P'19 P'23 P'25
• Hilary Spaulding Richards '92
• Laurel Richie '81, Chair of the Board
• Daniel E. Rush '92
• Peter S. Vosshall '92
• Sharon Washington '81

Ex-officio members of the Board include the President, the Provost, the Associate Dean for the Arts & Humanities, the Director of the Hopkins Center, and one representative from the Board of Trustees.