Beau Is Afraid
Beau Is Afraid
This event occurred as part of the 23/24 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.
Laugh, cry and cringe with Joaquin Phoenix in one of the most daring works of cinematic artistry in recent years.
23/24 Hop Film
From Ari Aster (Hereditary, Midsommar) comes a twisted black comedy, a veritable odyssey through the Oedipal wormhole of Beau Wasserman's (Joaquin Phoenix) anxieties, memories and imagination. Nathan Lane, Parker Posey and Amy Ryan join Phoenix as a few of Beau's guides and tormentors on his arduous journey to visit his disapproving mother. Aster's film is a raucous, chaotically unexpected time at the movies, the crystallization of an idiosyncratic vision made possible through enormous resources, unfailing trust in the filmmaker's intent and a miraculously versatile cast of tragicomic performers.
D: Ari Aster, US, 2023, 2h59m
“Beau Is Afraid is abrasive and dense, but that’s to be saluted.”
David Sims, The Atlantic
Contact Us
Box Office
Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.
Visiting Information
Black Family Visual Arts Center
22 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH