Booksmart Live Chat
with screenwriter Katie Silberman ’09Booksmart Live Chat
with screenwriter Katie Silberman ’09This event occurred as part of the 19/20 Hop@Home season. This is an archived view.
Watch this hysterical nerds'-night-out comedy, then tune in for a live chat with screenwriter Katie Silberman '09!
#SmallScreenFunMissed the live stream?
Welcome to #SmallScreenFun: A flick a week from the heart of Hop Film with a virtual gathering to follow. Tuesday nights in a living room near you (really near you)! Here's how it works:
Watch Booksmart over the weekend on Hulu (or rent on Amazon, Youtube or iTunes)
Join us on YouTube Live on Tuesday, April 28 at 8 pm for a live conversation with one of the film's screenwriters, Katie Silberman '09, who will give us her take on this story of hijinx and friendship, and talk about her future projects with director Olivia Wilde. You do not need to have an account to watch this chat. Simply click on the button below just before 8 pm and you will be taken to the event. See you soon!
About Booksmart
Getting straight A's. Giving zero F's. Screenwriter Katie Silberman '09 and first-time director Olivia Wilde give the teen comedy an upgrade with this joyful, unpredictable adventure shared by two straight-A seniors cramming four years of fun into one night. With rapid-fire dialogue punctuated by brilliant moments of cinematic whimsy this hilarious romp is "wickedly sharp and more than meets the eye." (LA Times). D: Olivia Wilde, US, 2019, 1h45m
About Screenwriter Katie Silberman '09
Katie Silberman '09 didn't study film at Dartmouth—but she loved reading movie scripts. "I printed out so many scripts that I used up all my printing credit in the first three days of every semester," she remembers. Among those many pages was a script for a fledgling teen comedy titled Booksmart. Silberman remembers printing and reading the screenplay, which chronicled the adventures of two female best friends on the last night of high school, around her fourth year at Dartmouth. Read the Article >
“Nothing funnier, smarter, quicker or more joyous has graced the big screen in a long time.”
Wall Street Journal
“A hilarious, blazingly paced teen comedy.”
Hollywood Reporter
One of the best things about seeing a film in a theater is sharing the experience with other people, right then and there. #SmallScreenFun brings that movie-watching camaraderie to the digital space...
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