Coded Bias
Film On Demand

Coded Bias

in partnership with Science on Screen®
January 21 - March 03, 2021

This event occurred as part of the 20/21 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.

"A fascinating study of how even the seemingly impartial world of technology is subject to embedded racism and privilege."

20/21 Hop Film

Rent the Film

When you rent the film, you will have through Wed, Mar 3 to watch it.
$8 public; $5 Dartmouth employees; Free for Hop Members & Dartmouth students. Become a member today >


When MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini discovers that most facial-recognition software does not accurately identify darker-skinned faces and the faces of women, a second career in activism is born. As Joy delves into an investigation of widespread bias in algorithms, we all learn that AI is, in fact, not neutral and women are leading the charge to ensure our civil rights are protected.

Director Shalini Kantayya weaves a history of the small homogenous group of men who defined artificial intelligence and forged the culture of Silicon Valley–a culture rapidly reshaping the world. As humans increasingly outsource decision-making to machines, algorithms already decide who gets hired, who gets health care, and who gets undue police scrutiny. Automated decision making has the unprecedented power to disseminate bias at scale. Coded Bias tells the uncharted story of rebels and misfits, women mathematicians and data scientists leading the fight for ethical use of the technologies of the future. D: Shalini Kantayya, US/UK, 2020, 1h30m

Meet director Shalini Kantayya this Monday, Mar 1 at 6:30pm ET in a Fireside Chat hosted by Tuck's Center for Digital Strategies. Open to Dartmouth students, faculty and staff. Register HERE!

Watch a terrific conversation about AI and bias with Dartmouth's Dr. Eugene Santos, Professor Jacque Wernimont and software engineer Christina Lu '20, moderated by the Montshire Museum's Executive Director Marcos Stafne.
The Q&A is available to watch on YouTube >

An initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

In partnership with Science on Screen®

When & how can I watch the film?

All Hop films are now presented virtually and on demand through Eventive. Once you rent the film, you will have until the last date listed below to watch it.
See our step-by-step instructions and FAQ for more information.

"A chilling plunge into Orwellian reality."

The Hollywood Reporter
Spring Hop@Home
2020/21 Hop@Home

Each week, our virtual stage brings adventurous artistry into your living room. The Hop offers a varied weekly line-up of online programming including live-streamed performances, film recommendations...

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Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.

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