James Baldwin Abroad
James Baldwin Abroad
This event occurred as part of the 22/23 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.
Three short films, from 1968 to 1973, show James Baldwin traveling and living abroad, as he wrestles candidly with the reasons for his alienation from America.
Hop Film Now
This program of three short films reveals author and activist James Baldwin around the world—in Istanbul, Paris and London—reflecting on his status as a man estranged from his country because of his race, politics and public profile. These films find Baldwin in moods ranging from confessional and serene, to testy and elusive, to vehement and outspoken. But he is always lucid and eloquent, offering a necessary, indignant perspective on the state of racial politics in the late-60s and early-70s, here and abroad. As a collection, these films are a portrait, a time-capsule and a cry for change that remains timeless.
Total Runtime: 1h24m
James Baldwin: From Another Place
D: Sedat Pakay, Turkey, 1973, 12m
Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris
D: Terence Dixon, UK, 1971, 26m
Baldwin's N*****
D: Horace Ové, UK, 1968, 46m
“The films show how hard Baldwin worked to express his ideas about American racism, imperialism and the roles white and Black people play in revolutionary movements.”
The Hollywood Reporter
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Box Office
Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.
Visiting Information
Black Family Visual Arts Center
22 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH