The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride
This event occurred as part of the 22/23 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.
The timeless romance of Buttercup and Westley is a sublime tale of true love and madcap adventure, powered by snappy, endlessly quotable dialogue.
22/23 Hop Film
The timeless romance of Buttercup and Westley is a sublime tale of true love and madcap adventure, powered by snappy, endlessly quotable dialogue, confident direction and an incredible cast (Billy Crystal, Wallace Shawn, Carole Kane, Mandy Patinikin and Christopher Guest). Criminal masterminds, Spanish swordsmen, masked pirates, misunderstood giants, the Cliffs of Insanity and Shrieking Eels–the list of joys this film delivers goes on and on. Is there a finer fairy tale in the realm…inconceivable!
D: Rob Reiner, US, 1987, 1h50m
Programmed in conjunction with Winter Carnival
Upcoming Films
Upcoming Films
From a sensational a cappella group taking over the internet ( Kings Return ) to a fearless choir calling for change ( The Crossing ), you'll hear diverse sounds throughout the winter. The season...
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Box Office
Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.
Visiting Information
Black Family Visual Arts Center
22 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH