Storytelling by Simon Brooks
Tales for the whole familyStorytelling by Simon Brooks
Tales for the whole familyThis event occurred as part of the 19/20 Hop@Home season. This is an archived view.
A beloved NH-based storyteller tells mythical tales and stories from around our world—and yours!
2020/21 Hop@HomeMissed the live stream?
Award-winning storyteller Simon Brooks joins us for two 30-minute sessions of spellbinding tales—some silly, some serious. What's more, Simon wants your suggestions! Here's how it works:
Draw a picture of anything you choose. Sign your first name and where you're from (you might get a live shoutout if Simon picks yours!).
Scan or snap a photo of your drawing and email it to Hop.Programming@dartmouth.edu with "HopStop Storytelling" in the subject line.
Simon picks a drawing out of a hat during his live performance. He'll then craft an original story inspired by that picture on the spot!
Since 1991, British storyteller, humorist and raconteur Simon Brooks has been telling great tales to audiences from all over the world. Most recently, he performed at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee. He became a full-time, professional storyteller in 2003, released his first CD in 2006, and his first collection of folk and fairy tales in 2018. He has won awards and honors for his storytelling albums from Storytelling World and Parent's Choice. Now a resident of New London, NH, he travels all over New England and to other parts of the US and has told his tales in Europe—in schools, colleges, libraries, festivals, camps, hospitals, restaurants, offices and more.

Each week, our virtual stage brings adventurous artistry into your living room. The Hop offers a varied weekly line-up of online programming including live-streamed performances, film recommendations...
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Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.
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Hanover, NH