Women's Adventure Film Tour
Women's Adventure Film Tour
This event occurred as part of the 22/23 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.
An exhilarating evening of short films featuring women doing extraordinary things in the name of adventure.
Hop Film Now
Every year, the selection of unique films is carefully chosen to show women achieving their adventure goals. However, being adventurous doesn't always have to mean being the fastest, going the highest or doing the most extreme things. Adventure for most of us is just stepping outside our comfort zones and climbing our own personal Mt. Everest. The films showcase real stories about women from a variety of cultures and sports around the world. Each year, the selection strives to deliver singular stories, with a keen eye toward expanding global awareness of the further need for diversity, equity and inclusion.
This year's tour program includes seven diverse short films in a ~2 hour program, featuring women of all ages and abilities; there's longboard surfer Lucy Small, international biking phenom Liz Sampey, climbers, hikers, snowboarders and more!
Total runtime: 1h43m
Contact Us
Box Office
Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.
Visiting Information
Black Family Visual Arts Center
22 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH