The Hopkins Center for the Arts has recently formalized its training requirements to be compliant with Federal Requirements set forth by OSHA 1926.503 and to improve overall safety for those working at Heights.
All personnel who are expected to be in areas where fall hazards are present must complete the following training prior accessing these areas of the HOP.
1. View the Video labeled "Video 1- Fall Protection"
2. Open the quiz "Quiz & Answers" and take the quiz. The answers are on page 2 for you to reference after you have completed it and to ensure you are correct. Go back into the video if you need to further understand the material and correct answers. Re-take the quiz as needed to ensure proficiency with the material.
3. Print and sign the 1st page of the "Quiz & Answers" attesting that you have watched the video and passed the quiz. If you are unable to print, unsigned copies of that page will be provided at both Spaulding Auditorium and the Moore theaters that you can sign. It will need to be turned into the Production Manager or Theater Dept Staff supervising you.
4. Watch the video labeled "Video2 Inspecting your Harness"
5. View the sample daily inspection document "Moore Theater Harness Inspection". You are responsible to inspect your body harness daily before its use and record on the form that you have done so. Binders with inspection forms will be available at both the Moore Theater and Spaulding Auditorium.
6. HOP Staff will provide site specific instructions beyond the generalized training video in person the first time you are working in protected areas.
Your completion of this training is a requirement mandated by the Federal agency- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
The HOP will maintain records of who has been trained and offer retraining when procedures change or as deemed necessary.