Dartmouth Idol 2021

Dartmouth Idol

Are you involved in a vocal ensemble or a capella group? Have you been hiding your great voice in the background? Are you that shower singer whose gift has yet to be discovered? Whatever the case, come try out for Dartmouth Idol!



Dartmouth Idol auditions have gone virtual this year, so grab your phone and raise your voice!  We're kicking off Idol early this year, so we have plenty of time for you talented contestants to be mentored and workshop their acts leading up to the Semi-finals on March 4 and March 5, 2021. The Dartmouth Idol Finals will take place in Spring 2021.

Trying out is as easy as recording yourself singing a couple of songs a capella (1–2 minutes each) and submitting it to the Idol judging committee. See our videos below for a how-to guide on auditioning.


Apply to be a Contestant, Host or Judge.

Applications are now closed.

Dartmouth Idol Audition Overview

Welcome Tutorial - Dartmouth Idol Virtual


How to submit your audition

How to Submit Your Audition - Dartmouth Idol Virtual


Dartmouth Idol


The top three contestants will be awarded:
1st place: $500 prize plus the opportunity to record a 2-song demo
2nd place: $250 prize money
3rd place: $100 prize money

Dartmouth Idol


Participants will be evaluated on the following:
vocal ability
The actual judges and number will vary depending upon stage of the competition.

Dartmouth Idol


Decisions as to who will advance will be made upon completion of each round. Round 1 (auditions) will be decided by the panel of judges. Round 2 (semi-finals) will be decided by a combination of judges’ scores (50%) and audience votes (50%). The finals will be decided entirely by the voting audience. Each audience member may vote only once.