This series highlights films that use the medium to broaden and deepen perspective on issues like poverty, racism, immigration, gender inequality and climate change. We know film is an extremely powerful consciousness-raising tool, but we also believe that seeing a movie in the theater creates an opportunity for a community to come together, to form coalitions and learn how each one of us can play a part in making this a better world.
To this end, Hop Film frequently partners with campus and community groups pursuing social justice to present documentaries about important issues--but we are just as interested in films that come in an entertaining package and subtly change our perspective on an issue through increased representation, subverting power dynamics or building empathy toward people unlike ourselves.
These films, which Hop Film has presented as part of our #ReelChange series or championed, have inspired thoughtful and important conversations in our community about racial inequality and pathways toward justice. We consider these essential viewing: