Dartmouth College Wind Ensemble

Wind Ensemble & Symphony Orchestra Auditions

Audition Information

  • New Students
    • New students, defined as either first-year students or upper-classmen auditioning for entry to an ensemble, should sign up for the New Student audition time-slots. 
    • Auditions will be heard by the directors of the DCWE, DSO, and additional studio teachers as appropriate. Please see audition requirements below. 
  • Returning Students
    • Students who are auditioning for reentry into the ensemble they participated in last year (2023-2024) should sign up for the Returning Student Auditions of their respective ensemble. 
    • If you chose to pause your participation during the 2023 - 2024 academic year (not including off-term or study abroad terms), please sign up for a New Student Audition slot. 
    • Returning students who have not played in the DSO, but would like to be considered for admittance, should sign up for a New Student audition time. 
  • Dartmouth Symphony Policy for Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion students. 
    • Wind, Brass, and Percussion students accepted to the DSO will not be required to attend regular rehearsals until two weeks prior to the concert. 
    • Wind, Brass, and Percussion students accepted to the DSO will be required to: 
      • Actively and successfully participate in the DCWE or Coast. 
      • Prepare your orchestral repertoire in private lessons OR participate in coaching sessions provided by the DSO staff. 

Note on Item 3: 
The directors of the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra, Dartmouth College Wind Ensemble, and Coast Jazz Orchestra work closely together to ensure that all students are placed in ensembles where they can be successful and have a great experience. During early rehearsals, the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra has a limited wind, brass, and percussion section. Typically, the principal players of these sections are artist-educators from Boston and New York who join at the end of the rehearsal process; until that point, rehearsal focuses on the string section of the orchestra. The model laid out in Item 3 allows our most advanced students the opportunity to be leaders of the DCWE and/or Coast, later joining the DSO where they get to play side-by-side with professionals. This maximizes the student experience and impact while being respectful of their time as busy Dartmouth students. 

Audition Requirements:

  • One or two solo selections or study etudes of your choice that best display your current playing ability: 4-6 total minutes of music; contrasting selections/pieces recommended.
  • Assigned excerpts for your instrument as appropriate (see below)
  • Major and Chromatic Scales (wind, brass, and percussion only)
    • Recommended format for Major Scales: Quarter note followed by six eighth, repeated; articulated ascending, slurred descending, as many octaves as possible/comfortable on your instrument.
    • Recommended format for Chromatic Scale: Triplets; articulated ascending, slurred descending. Demonstrating your possible/comfortable range. 
  • Sight-reading

Secondary Instruments: 
If you wish to be considered for a secondary instrument (i.e. piccolo, english horn, soprano saxophone), please prepare a short prepared excerpt on that instrument. 

Percussion Specific Requirements: 
A set of four timpani with gauges, a 4.3 octave marimba, and a snare drum will be provided along with required secondary instruments. 

  • Prepared audition selections for 2 or 3 of the following areas (2 required, 3 optional)  
    • Snare
    • Keyboard (Marimba) 
    • Timpani
  • Sight-Reading on the instrument of your choice from the three primary areas. 
  • Major scales on Marimba. 
  • Secondary excerpts on Crash Cymbals, Triangle, and Tambourine

Acceptance and Participation Parameters: 

  • The level of preparation the player shows at the audition. 
  • The relationship between the auditioning player's current level of ability (as displayed in their audition) and the current median technical level of the DCWE/DSO players. 
  • The particular skill set required to successfully manage the part(s) for which the player is auditioning. 
  • The player's deportment during their audition. 
  • The current personnel needs of the ensembles. 

Every effort is made to provide a space for any and all students who demonstrate the ability to play their instrument at the level required by the requisite ensemble's repertoire. In the unusual event that space limitations preclude accepting all qualified candidates, preference will go to returning members in good standing. 

Audition Sign-Ups

Scheduling Conflicts: 

  • Returning Students: given this advance notice, we expect you to be able to return to campus in time to audition on Sunday, Sept. 15 prior to the beginning of classes on Monday, Sept. 16. 
  • New Students: Please sign up now. If, once you have your class schedule, you are no longer available for your scheduled audition on Monday, Sept. 16, we will reschedule you to other available times on the 16th or during special, reserved times on Tuesday, Sept. 17. 

With the exception of the optional clarinet and trumpet excerpts listed above, excerpts are only required for students who wish to be considered for the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra. 

Audition excerpts can be found in this google folder> 

Instrument Storage and Rental

Need storage space for your instrument? Please fill out THIS FORM.

Need an instrument? Wind, brass, and double bass players, please fill out THIS FORM
Our lending inventory is limited, and we do not have an inventory of violins, violas, or cellos. If at all possible, you are strongly encouraged to bring your own instrument to campus. 


Any questions about auditions may be directed to brian.e.messier@dartmouth.edu