Artist Talk with Ann Cooper Albright
Public Talk
Artist-Scholar Talk

Ann Cooper Albright

Finding Ground in an Unstable World
November 14, 2020

This event occurred as part of the 20/21 Public Talk season. This is an archived view.

A timely conversation on cultivating resilience and resistance through dance.

20/21 Public Talk

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Guggenheim Fellow Ann Cooper Albright is one of the leading dance studies scholars. Her work centers the importance of embodiment, dance improvisation and the relationship between culture and dance representation. Albright served as co-director of the Dance Studies Association and is the author of several books, including her most recent book and subject of this talk How to Land: Finding Ground in an Unstable World

Albright discusses key arguments of the book, which offers a "startling awakening to the possibilities of living more deeply with our body as guide, host, and generator of sensation and ideas" (Liz Lerman). With interactive examples from other dance-activist practitioners, she explores how to cultivate a responsive body that can be present amidst instability. Choreographer, dance scholar and Hop Director of External Affairs Michael Bodel and dancer, choreographer and Vermont Dance Alliance Founder Hanna Satterlee guide the discussion with an audience Q&A through the live chat.

About Ann Cooper Albright

Ann Cooper Albright is Professor and Chair of the Department of Dance at Oberlin College. Combining her interests in dancing and cultural theory, Ann Cooper Albright teaches a variety of courses that seek to engage students in both practices and theories of the body. Her books include: Engaging Bodies: The Politics and Poetics of Corporeality (2013) which won the Selma Jeanne Cohen Prize from the American Society for Aesthetics; Modern Gestures: Abraham Walkowitz Draws Isadora Duncan Dancing (2010); Traces of Light: Absence and Presence in the Work of Loïe Fuller (2007); Choreographing Difference: the Body and Identity in Contemporary Dance (1997). She is co-editor of Moving History/Dancing Cultures (2001) and Taken by Surprise: Improvisation in Dance and Mind (2003). Albright is the founder and director of Girls in Motion, an award-winning afterschool program at Oberlin's Langston Middle School, and is co-director of Accelerated Motion: Towards a New Dance Literacy in America, an NEA-supported website that facilitates active learning and the exchange of teaching strategies and resources to support educators who teach dance studies.

Find out more about Albright through her video profile:

PROFILE: Ann Cooper Albright

This event is part of the Mixed Medium Dance Symposium, presented by the Vermont Dance Alliance and Next Stage Arts in collaboration with the Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth, with support from the Vermont Arts Council and the Vermont Creative Network/Chittenden County Zone.

Photos: courtesy of the artist

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