Oscar Shorts: Animation
Oscar Shorts: Animation
This event occurred as part of the 19/20 Hop Film season. This is an archived view.
An evening of this year's Oscar-nominated animated short films—in one exclusive program.
#MovieMagicKitbull— A fiercely independent stray kitten and a chained-up pit bull experience friendship for the first time. Pixar's newest short is a true tearjerker for animal lovers. D: Rosana Sullivan (USA, 9m)
Hair Love — Sony Animation's beautiful and funny film about a father trying to do his daughter's hair. D: Matthew A. Cherry, Everett Downing Jr., Bruce W. Smith, USA, 7m
Dcera (Daughter) — In a hospital room, the Daughter recalls a difficult childhood moment when as a little girl she tried to share her experience with an injured bird with her Father. D: Daria Kashcheeva, Czech Republic, 15m
Memorable — Painter Louis and his wife Michelle are experiencing strange events. Their world seems to be mutating. Slowly, furniture, objects, and people lose their realism. They are "destructuring," sometimes disintegrating. D: Bruno Collet, France, 12m
Sister — A man remembers his childhood and growing up with an annoying little sister in 1990s China. How would his life have been if things had gone differently? D: Siqi Song China/USA, 8m
Rated PG-13 (Adult themes of the death of a parent, Alzheimers and China's one-child policy)
“The short films … offer a vision of what the Academy Awards should and could be but very rarely are: eclectic, cosmopolitan, scrappy and surprising.”
A.O. Scott, New York Times
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Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12-5 pm
Saturday: 2-5 pm
Open one hour prior to all ticketed events at the venue of the performance.
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12 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH