Arts Integration

Arts Integration Proposals

Request for Proposals

Projects can be in any stage of development at the time of application, but awarded funds must be used by August 31, 2023. All Dartmouth-affiliated faculty and students are invited to apply.

Faculty-led projects are eligible for grants of $10,000-$20,000, and student-led projects are eligible for grants of $5,000-$10,000. Student mini-grants of $1,000-$2,000 are also available.

Applications are due December 11th, 2022; decisions will be returned and funds will be available January 4th, 2023.

Please send the following information in a single PDF to with "Arts Integration Grant" in the subject line:

  • Descriptive Title and short Abstract (50-75 words)
  • Project Narrative (1,000 words max)
  • Project Timeline (including any work already conducted)
  • Budget (including any other funds that have been secured; requests for funding for travel, equipment, and entertainment require special justification; faculty salaries are not fundable).
  • Bios for the project leader(s) (300 words max each, highlighting relevant information/experience)
  • Name of a faculty reference (for student proposals)
  • Please note: grantees will be required to write a short report to describe their work and how they spent the funds at the end of the grant period.
  • The project narrative should concisely describe, in 1,000 words or less:
    • The nature of the project, including a thorough explanation of how art or an arts discipline is at the core of the work, and what other discipline(s) intersect.
    • Explanation of the research component of the project.What new knowledge is being created?
    • Approach and feasibility (outline the scholarly approach/research strategy)
    • Why each member of the team is essential to the project
    • Projected outcomes and impact

Additional Information

These funds are not intended as supplements to existing internal or extramural awards. Please describe any potential overlap or similarity to on-going funded work. If related internal or extramural applications are submitted or planned, please describe.

These grants are viewed as seed funds. While all awarded funds must be used by the end of August 2023, projects do not need to be fully completed within that time frame. Projects with additional phases are welcome, and advice can be offered on seeking additional funding (see next item).

GrantGPS will offer support to all grantees, with a focus on finding additional funding opportunities to support projects into their next stages.

All projects with strong arts-integration components are welcomed, whether they are proposed by individuals, partners, or interdisciplinary teams.

The Hopkins Center and other campus partners may be interested in advancing or producing certain projects beyond the initial grant period.


How many people can be on a team?
There is no limit, but more than a few collaborators can be difficult to manage.

Does each person need their own proposal?
One proposal per project, please.

I already started my project. Can I still apply?
Yes! Just make sure to list other sources of funding and be clear in your budget on what aspects remain in need of funds.

I'm not sure how to write a budget. Do you have a sample?
Yes! Here are some examples.

I'm already involved in research with UGAR. Do I qualify for this grant?

I have more questions! Whom can I contact?