Marilyn da Silva
Public Talk
Montgomery Fellow Lecture

Marilyn da Silva

My Journey with Metal
February 23, 2022

This event occurred as part of the 21/22 Public Talk season. This is an archived view.

The metalsmith and sculptor tells stories through imagery and representational elements.

21/22 Public Talk

About Marilyn da Silva

Marilyn is Professor and Program Chair of the Jewelry/Metal Arts Department at California College of the Arts in Oakland where she has been since 1987.  Before moving to California, she taught from 1978-87 at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.  She earned her MFA in Jewelry Design and Metalsmithing at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and her BS in Art Education at Bowling Green State University. Marilyn da Silva's work is based on telling stories through imagery and representational elements.  Her trademark surface treatment of gesso and colored pencil creates a rich palette for her sculpture and wearable pieces.
Learn more about Marilyn >

I've often heard da Silva's work described as visual poetry. It also resembles how dancers tell a story: they use movement, light and sound to express the emotion in a narrative; da Silva uses color, form, and materials blended with carefully chosen images to tell complex stories without words.

—Jeff Georgantes, Director of the Donald Claflin Jewelry Studio

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Hopkins Center
4 East Wheelock Street
Hanover, NH
Second Floor

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